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Ka puta Matariki ka rere whānui. Ko te tohu tēnā o te tau e! Matariki re-appears, Whānui starts its

Welcome to you all near and far as we enter the frosty end of Winter here in Tūranga, Aotearoa (Gisborne, New Zealand). We are officially half way through 2017 and have moved into Matariki, the Māori New Year and Spring is on the Horizon! Although I am excited to greet some warmer weather, the Winter months have been time well spent keeping low key for some much needed TLC with my family, celebrating Matariki, working in and out of the studio and office, creating and planning for my next ventures. Here are some quick updates of what I've been up to and whats in store for the next couple of months!

Winter Wanderlust

The wet and cold weather has not stopped me and my little homies from fun and adventures! We have been exploring the outdoors with hiking, beach combing and road trips just to name a few! I am filled with so much gratitude in knowing that by choosing the path that we live, we never have to miss out on creating the most important memories and my kids are with me on this journey 100%



A road trip home mixed with work and pleasure created a perfect space to wananga and share some traditional hand poke tattoo


Studio Vibes

The consistent flow of radiant energy continues to fill my private studio

Gratitude Always


100 Days Project Gisborne

A wonderful entry into Matariki with the opening of our 100 Days Group Exhibition at the Tairāwhiti Museum! This has officially rolled into our Solo Shows! Keep your eyes peeled for more updates with my solo and workshops happening in October. Exciting!


Celebrating Matariki

Matariki, the Māori New Year is one of the special things I look forward to every Winter. I love how our city comes to life with family events that involve sharing ancient and new stories and rituals of people of today and our ancestors. Matariki is the perfect time for reflection, creative activities, manifesting prosperity, asking for guidance and practicing deep gratitude.

A new potential project has inspired me to dust off the paints and brushes again!

A night at the Museum had me and Mama T cosying up to a glass of red and beautiful readings of poetry and song

I am half way through my studies in Te Pūtakitanga o te reo Māori - Māori language and I am loving every bit of the journey! Especially when we get to play and learn through fantastic games such as Kahoot!


Adventures to the US

One of my goals for 2017 was to visit my Four Waves tribe whānau (family) in the US and now I am excited to announce the time has come! My son Honor and I will be off on an adventure leaving the 11th of August. Bookings will commence 30th August. Apologies in advance for any inconvenience.

Keep watching this space for a report back about our haerenga!

Nga mihi Sez x

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